The four imaams offered a great service in the field of fiqh and their heritage is great value to the ummah. The earliest of them:
Imaam Abu Haneefah
He is al-Nu'maan bin Thaabit bin Zootaa, he is of Persian-Turkish origin and was born in 80H and died in 150H. From his most well-known teachhers:
- 'Ikrimah, mawlaa of Ibn Abbaas (d. 104H)
- 'Ataa bin Abi Rabaah (d. 114H)
- Naafi', mawlaa of Ibn Umar (d. 117H)
- Hammaad bin Abi Sulaymaan (d. 120H)
His most well-known students:
- Zafar bin al-Hudhayl (d. 158H)
- Abu Yusuf Ya'qub al-Ansari (d. 182H)
- Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shaybani (d. 189H)
- Dawud al-Taalibee
- Asad bin Amr
- al-Hasan bin Ziyaad al-Lu'lu'i al-Kufi (d. 204H)
The foundations of his madhhab:
- The Noble Quran
- The Prophetic Sunnah
- Consensus of the Companions
- Qiyaas
- Istihsaan
- Legislative means to accomplish ends
The spread of his madhhab:
- Iraq
- India
- China
- Central Russian regions
Most famous books of the madhhab:
- Fath al-Qadeer of Ibn al-Humaam (d. 861H)
- Badaa'i al-Sanaa'i of al-Kaasaani (d. 587H).
Refer to (الملخصات الفقهية الميسرة) "Simple, Summarized Fiqh Principles" (Imaad Ali Jumu'ah, 1434H, Dar al-Nafaa'is).