The four imaams offered a great service in the field of fiqh and their heritage is great value to the ummah. The third of them:
Imaam al-Shaafi'ee
He is Muhammad bin Idrees al-Shaafi'ee, from the Quraysh, he was born in Ghaza in 150H and died in 204H. From his most well-known teachers:
- Maalik bin Anas (d. 179H)
- Muslim bin Khaalid al-Makhzoomee (d. 180H)
- Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Shaybaanee (d. 189H)
- Yahyaa bin Hassaan (d. 208H)
- Sufyaan bin Uyainah (d. 198H)
From his well-known students:
- Yoosuf bin Yahyaa al-Buwaytee (d. 231H)
- Ishaaq bin Raahooyah (d. 238H)
- Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal (d. 241H)
- Ismaa'eel bin Yahyaa al-Muzanee (d. 264H)
- Rabee' bin al-Sulaymaan al-Muraadee al-Jeezee (d. 270H)
- Abu Thawr Ibraaheem bin Khaalid al-Kalbee (d. 240H)
The foundations of his madhhab:
- The Noble Qur'an
- The Prophetic Sunnah
- Consensus
- The saying of a Companion
- Analogy (Qiyaas)
The spread of his madhhab:
- Iraaq
- Persia
- Shaam (Syria, Jordan)
- Egypt
- Yemen
- Indonesia and East Asia
Most famous books of the madhhab:
- Al-Risaalah of al-Shaafi'ee (d. 204H)
- al-Muhadhdhab of al-Sheeraazee (d. 476H)
Refer to (الملخصات الفقهية الميسرة) "Simple, Summarized Fiqh Principles" (Imaad Ali Jumu'ah, 1434H, Dar al-Nafaa'is).