الأصل في أوامر الكتاب والسنة : أنها للوجوب ، إلا إذا دل الدليل على الاستحباب أو الإباحة ، والأصل في النواهي : أنها للتحريم ، إلا إذا دل الدليل على الكراهة. والأصل في الكلام : الحقيقة فلا يعدل به إلى المجاز ? إن قلنا به ? إلا إذا تعذرت الحقيقة ، والحقيقة ثلاثة : شرعية ، ولغوية ، وعرفية. فما حكم به الشارع وحَدَّهُ : وجب الرجوع فيه إلى الحد الشرعي ، وما حكم به ولم يحدَّه اكتفاءً بظهور معناه اللغوي : وجب الرجوع فيه إلى اللغة ، وما لم يكن له حد في الشرع ولا في اللغة : رجع فيه إلى عادة الناس وعرفهم ، وقد يصرح الشارع بإرجاع هذه الأمور إلى العرف ، كالأمر بالمعروف ، والمعاشرة بالمعروف ونحوهما ، فاحفظ هذه الأصول التي يضطر إليها الفقيه في كل تصرفاته الفقيه .
The asl (fundamental principle) concerning commands in the Book and the Sunnah is that they are indicative of a wujoob (obligation) unless there is an evidence to indicate it being mustahabb (recommended) or mubaah (permissible). The foundation concerning prohibitions is that they are indicative of tahreem (forbiddance) unless there is an evidence to indicate it being makrooh (hated).
The asl governing kalaam (speech) is that it is to be taken upon its haqeeqah (reality). So it is not turned away from (its reality) to its majaaz (figurative meaning) - if we affirm (the presence of majaaz) - except when it not possible to employ it upon its haqeeqah (reality).
Al-haqaa'iq (the realities intended through words) are of three types: [1] shar'iyyah (that which is defined by the Sharee?ah), [2] lughawiyyah (that which is defined by language) and [3] 'urfiyyah (that which is defined by customary usage).
So whatever ruling the Shaari' (Lawgiver) has judged with and defined, then it is obligatory to return it to the Sharee'ah definition. However, what the Lawgiver has ruled, but not defined, sufficing by the apparentness of its linguistic meaning, then it is obligatory to return it to its linguistic meaning. But whatever has not been defined, neither in the Sharee'ah, nor in the language; then it is obligatory to refer it back to the habit of the people and their customary useage (understanding). The Lawgiver may clearly specify to return these matters to 'urf (customary usage); such as (what counts as) commanding the good, living well with one's wife, and other similar matters. [1]
So memorize these usool concerning which the faqeeh (jurist) stands in need of in all his dealings in fiqh-related matters.